Notes from the 26 November 1832 Edition of the Bridgwater Alfred
Advertisement by Henry Clark, linen draper, silk mercer, hosier, haberdasher and laceman of the London Warehouse, Cornhill, for new winter goods.
Advertisement for George Awbrey’s General Printing Office and Circulating Library, Fore Street, that he has for sale new Almanacks, pocket books and other annuals.
Notice to Mariners from Trinity House London, to erect two lighthouses at Burnham ‘in a proper line of direction for leading vessels into the River Perrott’ replacing the old light at Burnham. Later comment that Mr Wilkins from London is now at Burnham superintending the setting up of the apparatus of the lights, due for setting up on 1st December.

Notice of Bankruptcy of John Agnew. Editorial later in the paper, describing him as a radical, and once a candidate for MP for the borough.
Third and final dividend in the bankruptcy of Daniel Beaumont Payne, Henry Hope and George Hulbert Hope of Wells.
Editorial about a possible Dutch War, but also reminicences of when the Dutch had thrown off French rule some decades before when ‘Orange Bouen’ and ‘God Bless the Brave Dutch’ were called in the street or toasted at table.
Poem by C for the Bridgwater Alfred ‘On the Proposed Sale of Abbotsford’ – refering to the estate of Sir Walter Scott.
Comment on the revised voter lists. Mr Trevor agent for Mr Luttrell.
Notes from the Town Hall of 19 November:
William Gold Blacksmith bound to keep the peace for six months, after threatening to hurt Sarah Kingston, widow of Mr Kingston for many years in charge of the Borough fire engines. Gold hence appointed by the pro-Tynte Churchwardens.
Letter to the editor, from James Raworth, commenting on C.K.K. Tynte’s invitation to become the borough’s MP. Raworth is employed by the parish to keep the church clock in repair, and sometime captain to one of the Fire Engines, to which office he was later recommended by the Fire Insurance Committee of the town since 1822 (along with Mr John Kingston). After the new churchwardens were signed in at Easter (Mr Inman, Mr John Browne and Mr Jesty), when Raworth went to get his salary from Browne, the latter wanted him to sign for Tynte – Raworth refused and Browne threatened his position in the parish. Raworth was paid, but a few days later the churchwardens came for the church keys and were going to replace him with a man named Rich for the clock, and Gold and Glanville for the fire engines. Also told that Evans working in the church on new galleries and repairs will not have anyone of another party working in the church.
Death notice of Mr John Smith Carver, linen draper of Bridgwater, died 24 November 1832, after a long illness.