This index page looks at the Roads and Railways of old Bridgwater, and their infrastructure, including bridges, stations and street layouts. Contributions are always welcome, whether they concern the horse, steam or foot powered transport. Bridgwater has always been a transport hub, from the day it was founded in 1200, it has been an essential point in Somerset converging ocean-going shipping, inland navigation and important north-south and east-west road traffic.
More research needs to be done on the town’s road network, especially the turnpike system, coaching networks and the impact of the motor car on the town’s road network.
Also see the communications section of the Victoria County History articles on Bridgwater. Also see the Ships and Shipping section, especially for links with the docks. Rod Fitzhugh’s book on the Bridgwater Motor Car is also essential reading, as are Dave Bown’s various books on the Bridgwater railways.