Letter to George H. Pain, 27 November 1829

Notary public, Commissioner to Administer Oaths in Chancery in England; George street, Bridgwater.

This letter concerns the estate of Mr W. Herring and his widow, Margaret Herring, of Compton Bishop and a dispute over debts with Robert H. Parr of Poole.


George H Pain Esq

Postmark: No27 1829

[later hand] Mr Parr’s Letter with his fathers Evership Account,


Poole 27 November 1829

My Dear Sir,

I regret to give you so much trouble but the letter copied on the other half sheet seems to refer to you on the subject of our account with the executors of late Robert Herring. In order to give you a idea how matters stand we send you a copy of W Herring’s account with the executors Charles Parr – we of course feel much for the severe afflictions that Mrs Herring has had but you will agree with us that it is necessary in order to make the debt available to us to have a written promise for the payment and this we cannot waive – the letter now written we of which we send you a copy does not appear to be in the hand writing of Mrs Herring We are Sent

Yours very kindly
Robert H Parr
[to] George H Pain Esquire

Verso- Inside left leaf

Compton Bishop near Cross
26th November 1829


In reply to your letter of the 23rd inst. respecting the remainder of the money due to the executors of the late T. Parr, I have merely to state that in consequence of the serious calamities which it has pleased God to inflict us recently upon my family, and the very heavy expenses attendant thereupon: added to which, the backwardness of my Tenants in paying their rents this year, I regret to state that at present it is not in my power, to make you any further remittance, but or even as I have received from the numerous recent heavy demands, which have been necessarily made upon me, for medical attendants etc etc you may rely on my paying by degrees to Messrs Payne of Bridgwater the remainder of the sum claimed by you I trust this explanation, will be the means of preventing my further unnecessary (at the same time to me) unpleasant correspondence on this subject

I remain
yours very obediently
Margaret Henning
[to] Messrs Pain Etc Poole.

Inside right leaf

The Executors of the Late Mr R Henning in account with Mary Parr

[Upper Table]
[Left Hand Column]
1825 April 5: Balance of account rendered £392 15s. 9d.
Interest therein to 5 April 1827 2 years £39 5s. 6d.
Total £432 1s. 3d.

[Right Hand Column]
1826 December 1: Remittance from Mrs Herring £20
Interest thereon to 5 April 1827 4mo. & 2 days £6 8s.
1827 March 8: Last paid Mr JC Parr in London £16
Interest thereon to 5 April 1827 26 days £1 2s.
1827 April 5: Balance – £395 13s. 5d.
Total £432.1.3

[Lower Table]
[Left hand column]
1827 April 5: Balance brought down £395 13s. 5d.
1829 October 5: 2 years and half interest to October 5th £49 7s. 8d.
Total £445 1s. 1d.

[Right hand column]
1828 April 26: Cash paid by Mr Parr to Glyn H £100
Interest thereon to 5th October 1829 1 year and 162 days £7 4s. 4d.
1829 January 10: Remittance from Mr Parr by draft at 7 days £150
Interest thereon to 5th Oct 1829 £5 5s. 2d.
October 5th: Balance due to Mr Parr £182 11s. 7d.
Total £445 1s. 1d.

To Balance £182 11s. 7d.


MKP, December 2019