The first recorded landlord of the Nag’s head was John Culliver in 1744. Other landlords included W. Cooze (c.1880), John Roman (1901-1905), Robert Washer (1905-1907), Mrs J Burton (1947-1957) and Reg Dyer (1958-1962).
On 22 May 1880 a Lodge of the Order of Druids, called the ‘Star of the West’ (no.1628 of the national organisation), was established at the Nag’s Head, partly founded by the landlord at the time, W Cooze. There were 61 members at the time of foundation and there were 125 in 1888. The Ancient Order of Druids, despite the name was not a religious organisation, religion and politics being banned from their meetings. It was a fraternal organisation for the promotion of justice, benevolence and friendship between its members. The principal function of such organisations was social security. In the absence of the welfare state members paid into a central fund, which then provided them with sick-pay when they were ill, health insurance and help with burial fees for the family when they died.
The building was pulled down in 1962.
Sydney Gardnor Jarman, A History of Bridgwater, (London, 1889)
David Williams, Bridgwater Inns Past and Present, (Abbey Press, 2nd edn. 1997)