Notes from the Borough Property 1835
First Report of the Committee appointed by the Council of the Borough of Bridgwater to examine the muniments, books, deeds and other documents of the body corporate, as well as all leases for lives or years, bonds or Mortgages, granted by the late Corporation since the 5th day of June 1835.
Printed by John Whitby of the Cornhill.
The committee comprised of Henry Reed, Robert Bate, W.D. Champion and Thomas Ford.
This report on the Borough Property 1835 is a brief document. Some notable properties mentioned:
- The Lamb inn, which includes a court and cart house somewhere on the south side of St Mary Street. Held by Betty Copp, widow. A garden nearby formerly belonging to the Lamb Inn is also mentioned.
- A close of ground with two messuages, containing roughly one acre known as the Bull Baiting Acre, in Castle Field Door.
- A half burgage of ground, whereon is standing a Summer House, known as Fros Lane, running to the Pill home to the river Parrett.
- The Bowling Green in Eastover.
- Mortgages Granted since 5 June 1835 include the Cheese Market House in St Mary Street and Friarn Street, along with the market for selling cheese and bacon.
This report was prompted by the Municipal Corporations Act 1835