For information on the present mayors, see the website of Bridgwater Town Council.
Mayor’s Oath
Oath of the Mayors recorded circa 1787
Transcription from SRO D/B/bw/2409 folio 59 repeated in DD\X\ME/6

You shall well and truly execute the Office of Mayor and Mayorality within the Borough and Parish of Bridgwater and the Precincts and Liberties and Franchises thereof in all things touching your said office
And shall see and cause the Peace to be kept within the said Borough and Parish as much as in you lyeth
And shall conserve and keep the Statutes of Labourers & Artificers
And also keep and cause to be kept amended and corrected (as need shall require) the Weights and Measures within the S. Borough Liberties and Precincts thereof
And shall repress and punish Riots & Routs to the best of your power
And do the best you may for the keeping and observing of such Priviledges[1] Liberties and Franchises as are granted to the Mayor Aldermen & Burgesses of this Borough
And shall do your best endeavour for the good rule and government of this Town and the People thereof
And shall do indifferent Justice to all men as well as to poor as rich and be partial with or against no Party, but shall do all things according to the Laws of this Realm & the Liberties of this Town as much as in your Power lieth
And shall well and truly behave yourself in all things that belongeth to your said Office to the best of your Power.
So help you God.
Mayor’s Oath 2007 onwards
I do solemnly affirm that I ………..(name) shall
Well and truly execute the Office of Mayor and Mayorality within the Town of Bridgwater in all things touching my said office.
I shall see and cause the Peace to be kept within the said Town as much as in me lyeth
And shall repress and punish anti-social behaviour to the best of my power
And do the best I may for the keeping and observing of such Privileges Liberties and Franchises as are granted to the Town Council
And shall do my best endeavour for the good rule and government of this Town and the People thereof
And shall do indifferent Justice to all men as well as to poor as rich and be partial with or against no Party, but shall do all things according to the Laws of this Realm & the Liberties of this Town as much as in my Power lieth
And shall well and truly behave myself in all things that belongeth to my said Office to the best of my Power.
[So help me God].
[1]sic in both transcriptions
Dr Peter Cattermole 23 November 2006.