The property that became 3 Binford Place is shown in both of John Chubb’s illustrations of the medieval bridge, although appears differently on both occasions. The differences are probably due to the lithographer interpreting vague detail from the original watercolours, although some elements of change may have occurred between his drawing. We can be confident at least that it was a gabled building, with two windows on the first floor then two more on the second floor. At some point within the next fifty years either the whole building, or just the façade and roof were remodelled to square it off and heighten the upper storey.
The appearance of a double door on the earlier image is in line with this building once being part of the large Chubb complex of 5 Fore Street.

On 5 March 1832 this property was described as ‘The Dwelling House and Premises now, and for many years past, in the occupation of Mr. Chubb, situated in Fore Street, Bridgwater. This property is well adapted to almost any kind of business; and may be converted into a shop or otherwise altered and repaired to suit the convenience of a Tenant. They are provided with proper Offices, and excellent underground cellars. Also a Warehouse and Counting House, situated on the Back Quay, now in the occupation of Mr John Bowen. The Wine and Spirit Business was carried on in these Premises for many years by Messrs Chubb, and has been continued up to the present period by Mr Bowen. From their contiguity to the Quay, and the most public part of the town, they are desirable for trade. The abovementioned premises, although forming two distinct Properties, one facing the Quay, and the other the Fore Street, are united behind, and may be Let separately or together.’ Bridgwater Alfred 5 March 1832.
Around the turn of the nineteenth century, 3 Binford Place was the base of Tamlyn’s Auctioneers, who are still in operation today,
In the 1937 Whitby Light and Lane Directory of Bridgwater the property was occupied by Lock and Sons Drapers, and a R.Nash, who presumably lived upstairs. This is also how the property is described in the 1939 directory.
In the 1960 Kelly’s Directory of Bridgwater, the property was occupied by Wilfred D. Rowe. Lock and Sons Ltd Outfitters were in number 2 at this time.