The adjoining lane probably took its name from the Inn, rather than the other way around. A possible explination for the name may be that it was owned by the Tynte Family of Halswell House. In 1689 Sir Halswell Tynte starting building Halswell House and they owned a number of properties about the town. It was owned by Starkey Knight and Ford by 1897. Landlords included Thomas Shattock (c.1780), Robert Washer (1886-1894) and Charles Sparks (1938-1961).
The inn closed in 1961 and the building pulled down soon afterwards.
Sydney Gardnor Jarman, A History of Bridgwater, (London, 1889)
David Williams, Bridgwater Inns Past and Present, (Abbey Press, 2nd edn. 1997)
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