Wells Journal 25 April 1907
The Blake Gardens Sub-Committee reported that there was a desire that the band should play one evening each week in the Blake Gardens, and the Sub-Committee were of opinion that every facility should be given for carrying out the proposal. It was suggested to erect a temporary bandstand, but it was eventually agreed to defer the matter, with a view to a more elaborate bandstand being provided, and included in next year’s estimates.
Wells Journal 28 May 1908
BRIDGWATER TOWN COUNCIL NEWSThe Blake Gardens Sub-Committee reported having considered various designs for a bandstand to be erected in Blake Gardens, and that they had selected that submitted by Mr. F.H.J. Garbutt, and recommended that the bandstand be erected by Mr. J.E. Fursland, at a cost not exceeding £139 10s. The recommendation was agreed to.
Weston Gazette 24 July 1908
BRIDGWATER: OPENING OF NEW BANDSTANDOn Tuesday evening a very pleasing ceremony took place in Blake Gardens, where the new bandstand, which was erected by the Corporation at a cost of £150, was formally handed over to the public in the presence of a large crowd, the opening ceremony being performed by the Mayoress (Mrs. F. Wills). The stand is of handsome design, and has been erected by Mr. J.E. Fursland, from plans prepared by Mr. F.H.J. Gabbutt, of Bridgwater, whose scheme was accepted in the competition offered by the Council. After brief speeches by Alderman F.C. Foster and the Mayor (Councillor F. Wills), the Mayoress, amid cheers, declared the bandstand open, and the B.A. Christy’s band, who were in attendance, played the National Anthem. On the motion o Councillor F.H. Allen (chairman of the Season Band Committee), seconded by Mr. G.W. Bond, the Mayoress was heartily thanked for her presence. Afterwards a musical programme was given by the band.
Weston Daily Press 18 June 1909
BRIDGWATERCouncillor R.O. Sully presided at the monthly meeting of the Town Council on Thursday. The Health Committee reported having considered the question of lighting the bandstand in the Blake Gardens, but recommended that the question be deferred for the present. A discussion ensued, several members contending that the lighting of the bandstand was much desired, and that the work should be carried out forthwith, as the summer was advancing, and ultimately the Council referred the matter back to the Health Committee for re-consideration.