The Rose Garden was once part of the property in which the Blake Museum is now housed. The land was purchased by the Town Council, along with the house, in 1924
Western Daily Press 8 October 1937
Bridgwater Town Council yesterday considered a minute of the Library and Open Spaces Committee regarding an offer of the Mayor and Mayoress (Alderman F.J. and Councillor Mrs Reed) to present a fountain to be placed in the rose garden in the Blake Gardens. The committee recommended that the Borough Engineer be requested to ascertain from experts on the matter the type of ornamentation which would be in keeping with the rose garden and that the Mayor and Mayoress be thanked for their kind offer and be informed that the committee were obtaining this expert advice. However, a resolution was unanimously passed by the Council accepting the offer of the fountain with thanks to the Mayor and Mayoress for their kind gift.
Taunton Courier and Western Advertiser 8 January 1938
The library (etcetera) committee also reported having visited the Blake Gardens and viewed the fountain in the rose garden, presented by Mrs. Reed, Mayoress at the time of the presentation. The committee resolved to place on record their appreciation and thanks for Mrs. Reed’s kind presentation.
Taunton Courier and Western Advertiser 5 November 1949
A ‘Garden for the Blind’ is to be laid out in the rose garden in Blake Gardens as an experiment, and an appeal was made by Alderman W.J. Fathing, M.P. (committee chairman), to local organisations to donate oak seats of an approved design, suitably inscribed, for the use of the blind.