Survey by Dr Peter Cattermole 9 September 2012
Tourist information sign faded & redundant. Others chipped, bent and tatty. TI sign redundant. SDC sign tatty. 6 signs on one post. New Road. 3 signs on 2 posts; not back-to-back on left. New Road. 2 signs not back-to-back. 2 more on right hand side of road, total 4. No removable bollards to pedestrian area. New Road. Hump sign, on illuminated post but no hump in road. Road markings remain to indicate where it once was. Remove sign & post and road markings End of Eastover by Broadway. Multiplicity of signs. Bus Station. Several signs on left. Is post on right necessary? Asda. Too many signs; misleading logos. Bus Station. Too many signs Cyclists Dismount. Only one pole required. Pumping Station. A plethora of signage! Pumping Station. Confusing signs. By Watson’s Lane. Tourist Information signs redundant even supposing you could read them. What does the back of the sign tell us?! Paint peeling on lamp post. There may be a Minor Injuries Unit in Heaven and this tells us the direction in which we go. On post incongruously positioned outside a Listed Building Grade II Close-up of H sign. East Quay, south end. TI signs faded & redundant. Is SDC really along Salmon Parade? Some signs on the left …. What do they tell us? Why? The turning to Queen Elizabeth House is beyond the signs by the way. See next image. Conservation Area. Blake Place. Two signs telling motorists it’s a one way street. But further along, they are told again. There are no turnings in-between. Is the second set in the distance necessary? Graffiti on street sign Enough said on the sign … Bent, so needs straightening (not replacing!). Also requires painting. Unmown border The Clink near traffic lights. Tree growing out of shop front and obstructing pedestrians.. Premises empty & for sale. LBP the Agent. Near the White Hart. Lovely flowers. Bench needs painting. Shame about the litter, but that’s the public. The sweepers do a marvellous job. By Blake Place in Monmouth St. Lovely flowers; not so lovely litter, and bench in need of urgent attention. Close up of bench. Brass plate commerorates Prince’s Trust Volunteers who tidied up the area. Bench Salmon Parade near Town Bridge. Needs cleaning off and revarnishing. Would you like to sit on this bench? Needs scraping down and revarnishing. Near Hospital, Salmon Parade. Information Board by Town Bridge. Needs renewal. Much read & liked by visitors. Apparatus case by Interpretation Board. Graffiti. Needs painting. Grafitti. Flowers International, Salmon Parade. By Town Bridge, Salmon Parade. Apparatus case needs repainting, as do the posts & chains. Side view of apparus case & posts in need of a repaint. So does the Listed Grade II ‘phone box. Town Bridge railings. In great need of a repaint, now long overdue. Buddleia needs to be taken out before it overwhelms. Town Bridge railings, East Quay side, in need of a repaint. Listed Building Grade II Lamp post near Asda. In need of repainting, as do all the lamp posts in the area. New Road by Eastover. Paviours replaced by concrete for water services etc. No removable bollards to pedestrian area. New Road by Eastover. Concrete replacing paviours. Rope Walk. The glass blocks have been replaced by bitmac, destroying the integrity of a good & pleasing design. The Clink. Rope Walk with more glass block replacement, encroachment by ugly shuttering and vegetation over pavement. Rope Walk, The Clink. More bitmac replacement, overhanging vegetation, ugly shuttering. Rope Walk, The Clink, near traffic lights. Glass blocks replaced by concrete, now breaking up. East Quay. The flower bed is excellent, the glass bocks pretty well intact, but the bench needs refurbishment. It’s a good area to sit, but needs tidying up a bit. Conservation Area. east Quay. Attractive rope in need of a repaint. Junction of rope and glass blocks on East Quay, in need of attention and a repaint. The end of the rope. Glass blocks replaced by ugly concrete. Tree root damage to pavement East Quay. Slabs need relaying once room has been given for tree to expand. Salmon Parade. Tree felled and not replaced. Conservation Area. Salmon Parade. Brick bund needs removing. Salmon Parade. Brick bund needs removing here too. Brick bund is removing itself, but needs assistence! Salmon Parade. The wall is about to collapse, so it shouln’t be too hard to remove. Salmon Parade.