Historical Images

Building Survey October 2012 by Dr Cattermole
Methodist Church, 3 Monmouth Street. Unlisted. HER 17726 Metodist Church side elevation showing ridge tile detail and tracery. Merit Methodist Church Hall and ridge tiles. Merit Metodist Church hall and adjacent buildings showing ridge tile detail. Merit No. 5 Monmouth Street Listed Grade II HER 14911 Houses, No 17 & 19 Monmouth Street. Symmetrical front with oriel windows on two floors. Ornamental doorcase and window surrounds with incised stonework. Terminal finials on ridge. Probably 1900-1910. Merit Detail of doorcase No. 17 Monmouth Street. Detail of oriel window No. 19 Monmouth Street. Foliate capitals, pointed dentils to arches, decorated corbels supporting cornice. Glazed tile detail below. No. 43 Toll House Monmouth Street Listed Grade II HER 14912 Wembdon stone wall behing QE Court; possibly medieval hospital boundary wall. Merit Wembdon stone wall adjacent to last