A scrapbook of pasted-in ephemera was purchased by Dr Cattermole in 2006.
The contents of this book have scanned for the interest of others.
Reproduction for commercial purposes not permitted.
The scrapbook is now on loan to the Somerset Heritage Centre, where it may be consulted under the reference A\CYJ/6/6
There is wealth of interesting paperwork from Meetings of the Ancient Society of Oyster Dredgers (evidently a Victorian spoof), accounts for Thomas Ford, letters re poultry, concert programmes, paperwork relating to the Post Office, and Guy Fawkes Carnival (including printed material) and more besides.
Invitation to the AGM of the Ancient Society of Oyster Dredgers of Steart Flats. Colonel Hill presiding. January 1892.
Proclamation of the Ancient Society of Oyster Dredgers Outing. August 1892.
Ancient Society of Oyster Dredgers Meeting January 1892.
No credit given here. Presumably from a bar.
Satirical(?) Print Autobiography.
Poem about Croquet.
Accounts of the 5th Somerset Rifle Corps 1871
Account of a Boxing(?) match, May 1866
Members of the Malt Shovel Bowling Club 1875
Annual Entertainment by the King Square Academy, January 1872.
Friendly Societies Resolution concerning Queen Victoria’s Jubilee in 1887
Guy Fawkes Carnival Programme for the Zouave Infantry
Top, parody song of ‘Quite English’. Bottom left, programme for a smoking concert for the Bridgwater Miniature Parliament, April 1886. Bottom right: Fifth Somerset Rifle Corps Concert, November 1866.
Faces me meet at the sports.
Right, poem by Richard Duff of Cattle Market.
Carnival Concert Choruses
Two Letters, November 1842.
Presentation to Mr J Channon, April 1891.
Letter, November 1887.
Top left, poem. Top right, satirical bill. Bottom left Social Dancing Class. Bottom right, West Club AGM, Eastover Schools.
Opening of the West End of St Mary’s Church, July 1888.
The West Somerset Yeomanry departing for the Boer War 1900.
The Ford Testimonial, January 1895
North(?) Street Bounty Club letter, 12 November 1890
The Camden Skittlers, July 1891
The Parson’s Prayer, Poem
Obituary of Robert Pople, Mayor of Exeter
Left, Compliamentary Supper fo rthe Wimbledon Marksmen, at the Tynte Arms, 25 July 1887. Right, A procession of illuminated cycles at the Guy Fawkes Carnival, October 1891.
Hereford Post Office Athletic Club Supper
Draft Application to use the Town Hall for Carnival Concerts.
Top, farewell to Mr A.E. Clench on his promotion to postmaster at Mansfield. Bottom, fifth Annual dinner for the Bridgwater and District Postmen. February 1903.
Foundation Memorial for the Sorting Office, Bridgwater, May 1903