This letter by Ann Tucker is yet to be fully researched – the main lead in the text is a mention of her daughter Lucy being 15 years old – however no one of that name with a mother called Ann appears in St Mary’s christening register for that year. So for now the wider context of this letter remains a mystery.
Endorsed: April 20 1802 / Ann Tucker
Mr George Baxtor, Blueford Buildings, Strand London
Postmark Bridgewater
Main Letter:
B-water April 29th 1802
Dear Sir
I humbly your pardon for trubling of you but necessity is the mother of invention. My husband lyes very ill very ill indeed he has kept his bed these six weeks and likewise one of my children lyes dangerously ill and I have done every thing that lied in my power to suport them and I am now drove to the last exgence to make my applycation to you for a small mater if you pleas for my distress is so great it is better comprehended than expressed there is not one of the famaley knows of my applying to you therefore trusting in your goodness I remain your humble servant
Ann Tucker
PS Sir I must beg of you to binde out my daughter Lucy. She is 15 the 10 of March last it would be starting the famaley the sooner the better if you please. I hope you will answer me by the return of post.