Bridgwater Alfred 1.40, 7 May 1832

Notes from 7 May 1832 Edition of the Bridgwater Alfred:

Mrs Philipps advertises her return from London with fashionable dresses for sale for the women of Bridgwater, while Mr Philipps returns with men’s items, including waistcoats and hats. For more on the fashion of the 1830s, see here.

William Lewington is committed for trial by Robert Anstice JP at the next quarter sessions for breaking into the counting house of Brown and Champion on 27 April 1832 and stealing a watch, a case of mathematical instruments and three keys. [Note, Browne and Champion were Brickyard owners and prominent Unitarians – they pioneered the famous Bath Brick – see Porter].

Isaac Harrison is committed for trial by Joseph Ruscombe Poole, mayor, for stealing on 4 May 1832, a pair of trousers from Robert Crane.

Inquest held for the body of Ellen Bale, a child of 1 year 7 months. Susan Bale, the mother, testified that on 30 April while at home in Gold’s Buildings she heard a scream from the next door property, that of Charles Bale. There she found her daughter dead and surrounded by three other little children. Nearby was a tea kettle on the fire, which was full of boiling water. It was clear the child had tried to drink from the kettle and scalded herself. [possibly the earliest mention of Gold’s Buildings]

7 May 1832 Bridgwater Alfred news items.
Picture extract of the major local news items reported on 7 May 1832

Various other stories from elsewhere in the county, pulled from other local publications.