Notes from the 15 October 1832 edition of the Bridgwater Alfred:
There is not much in this edition of local interest, aside from some long political editorials and advertisements, especially resulting from the sparring between two rival candidates, Mr Escott and Mr Tynte.
Land at Chedzoy to be let, specifically the farms and lands currently held by Robert Boon, James Shorney and Mrs Hurman.
Notice concerning the rectory of Street.
Poem by C contributed for the Bridgwater Alfred, this one on the topic of the Jardin in the wilds of Mer de Glace, Chamouni. ‘C’ or ‘CC’ has contributed six poems before this one to the Alfred. This is possible Charles Chubb, a friend of Bowen and his circle. The first contribution is in this edition.
Letter to the editor against the abolition of tithes.
Reports on two shipwrecks:
- The Ann and Sarah, Joseph Gold the master, sailing from Porth Cawl to Bridgwater laden with coal, floundered on the Nash Sands and all hands lost.
- The John and Mary of Bristol, Matthew Davis the master, sailing from Lidney to Bridgwater with coals, capsized to the north of Steep and Flat Holmes in a gale. The crew got to their lifeboat and survived.