Notes from the Bridgwater Alfred for 21 May 1832
Meeting in the Guildhall allocates £30 from the Corporation towards the erection of a raised gallery within St Mary’s Church, intended for the ‘charity children’, ie the boys of Dr Morgan’s Charity School. For wider mentions of St Mary’s in this period, see this page.
The Guildhall meeting also allocates £100 towards the making of a complete underground drain in Eastover, running from the Turnpike Gate (i.e. by where the Cross Rifles Roundabout meets Monmouth Street) to the river. This presumably followed the course of Monmouth Street and Eastover.
John Peacock is appointed constable and special night constable, replacing the late William Bailey. (these were the days before the town had a police force, so the constables were tasked with keeping the peace in the borough and apprehending wrongdoers).
Thomas Slocombe is appointed Sergeant at Mace and Mayor’s Officer, replacing the late William Bailey.
John Davey, William George and Thomas Lee appointed Pilots of the Port and Borough. These experienced mariners would help guide ships up the river.

Court case against a man called Pain who had committed libel against Dr Jonathan Toogood. Pain is fined £100 for the severity of the offence.
Monthly Report of the Bridgwater Infirmary.