Notes from the 4 June 1832 Edition
Thomas Symes offering loans
The Trade and Stock of the Iron Foundry of Nias and Watson to be disposed of.
The Bridgwater and Stowey troop of the Yeomanry Cavalry met at Durleigh Elm before marching into Bridgwater, where they fired several volleys in honour of the King’s Birthday. Durleigh Elm mentioned here may have something to do with ‘Durleigh Elms’ a house at the junction of West Bower Lane. Either this was the grounds of a house in which the troopers met, or a literal notable elm tree that the house later replaced. Also, the troop of Yeomanry, under Captain Maher, spent days out on exercises in field manoeuvre and sword drill.
Adam Cotter, Jemima his wife and Thomas Saunders convicted for assaulting William Hodge.
Joseph Miller convicted for assaulting Charles Gunningham.
Inquest into the death of Thomas Drew, innholder of Bridgwater. Thomas Crane, while hobbling the vessel Margaret with others on the 28 May downriver of Bridgwater saw and retrieved (with a mariner called Parker) the body of Drew, floating face down by Penny’s Hook. Drew’s valuables were still in his pockets, including his watch and spectacles, and no violence was noted on the body. Miss Jane Rogers and Mrs Mary Sutton both testified that recently Drew had complained of spells of giddiness, having to prop himself against a wall or likewise, and feared he would drop dead suddenly.

The Anniversary Dinner of the ‘Mayor and Corporation of Eastover‘ held in the Globe Inn. Edward Bryant jnr in the chair, the excellent dinner was provided by Mr Thyer.
A vestry meeting was held to consider erecting galleries in the West End of St Mary’s Church for the use of Charity Children. Rev. Woolen in the chair. The Corporation provided £30 towards the costs.