Notes from the 5 November 1832 edition of the Alfred:
Farms to let at Curry Rivell. Repeat of adverts from previous editions.
Marriage in St Mary’s Bridgwater of Mr Robert Ford to Miss Amelia Gandell on 30 October. Robert Ford would later donate a stained glass window in St Mary’s Church.
Death reported on 28 October of Miss Fanny Greenslade aged 23
Death reported on 29 October of Mr Edward Nott Yeoman
Prices of Corn sold at market in Bridgwater.
End of the voter revision process, mentioned in the last two editions; 21 names were disallowed, with 5 names added. Comment on George Hoare disallowed to vote on the grounds that he’d been making wagers on the result. Follows an editorial on the political fallout.
Various political reporting on meetings for candidates, principally Luttrell and Miles.
Two men, Henry and William Edwards both injured while making fireworks. Henry is described as the servant of Mr Down, who is Edwin Down, mentioned several times in Derek Gibson’s collection of architectural drawings. It is unsurprising this happened at this time of the year given the proximity to Guy Fawkes night, and possibly Bridgwater Carnival.

Poem by C ‘Occasioned by the death of a mother whilst absent from her family’,