This 1691 Lease for Land in Northfield and Durleigh is a simple exchange between William Criddle and Bartholomew Pearce. Unfortunately the lands are described (see the ‘ALL’ clauses’) in such vague detail, it probably will not be possible to identify them without further evidence.
This indenture made the nine and twentyeth day of September in the third yeare of the raigne of our soveraigne Lord and Lady William and Mary King and Queen of England the Annoq[ue] dom 1691
BETWEEN William Criddle of Haygrove within the p[ar]ish of Bridgwater in the county of Somersett tanner of the one p[ar]te And Bartholomew Pearce of Haygrove aforesaid yeoman of th[e]other p[ar]te
WITNESSETH that the said William Criddle Hath granted bargained and sold and by these p[re]sents doth grant bargaine and sell unto the said Bartholomew Pearce
ALL that his three yards of arable land lying in a certaine field called Northfield within the said p[ar]ish of Bridgwater
TO have and to hold unto the said Bartholomew pearce his heires and assignes forever
AND the said Bartholomew Pearce in consideration thereof, and for and in consideration of the sume of five pounds lawfull money of England to him in hand paid by the said William Criddle
HATH granted bargained and sold – and by these presents doth grant bargaine and sell unto the said William Criddle
ALL that his one acre of Arable land lying and being within the p[ar]ish of durleigh in the county aforesaid, bounded on the east north and west p[ar]ts with the lands of the said William Criddle
TO have and to hold unto the said William Criddle his heires and assignes forever provided alwayes neverthelesse
AND it is the true intent and meaning of these presents that if either p[ar]ty shall be lawfully evicted of either of the said p[ar]cells of land by any former sale or other-wise howsoever then this deed of bargaine and sale and exchange to be void, and that then it shall be lawfull for each p[ar]ty to reenter and the same to have againe; as fully and and amply as if this deed had never beene made, And if any such eviction and reentry shall happen, then the said Bartholomew Pearce doth for himselfe his heires exec[ut]es adm[inistrator]es and assignes hereby covenant and p[ro]mise to repay unto the said William Criddle his heires or assignes the said ffive pounds given in exchange
IN Witnes whereof the p[art]yes abovesaid to these present indentures their hands and seales interchangeably have sett the day and yeare first above written.

fferdinando Anderdon jun[ior]
Anthony Legg
fferdinando Anderdon sen[ior]

Signed William Criddle with small, red wax seal with faint imprint of a sphinx or griffin attached.