Medium – high quality handmade writing paper (some water droplets from the hand of the paper-maker on the underside of the paper). Slight deckled edges on all sides. 390mm x 310mm (likely English ‘pot’ paper). Paper possibly made by William Wood at St Decuman’s Mill, Watchet. He was proprietor of the mill by 1800 after being his master papermaker in the late 18th C. Watermark is typical British 18th C watermark: Britannia in an oval holding a spear and olive branch. The oval is topped with a crown. On bottom right hand corner of sheet is a mark WW, perhaps indicating William Wood. Counter mark is a crown with the date 1802 underneath.
Letter from the Paper Makers in Somerset (22nd June, 1803)
W. Symons, Early Methodism in West Somerset (1898), p.67
Universal British Directory of Trade, Commerce and Manufacture, 3 (1791), p. 924
Alfred H Shorter, Paper Mills and Paper Makers in England 1495-1800, (1957).
The Noah’s Ark described here should not be confused with the pub of the same name which operated in Eastover in the nineteenth century. This Inn was located in Mansion House Lane, now part of the town hall complex. The first mention of it occurs in 1689 and eleven rooms are mentioned in 1729. The Inn had closed by 1812. See: Kay Ross and McLaughlin Ross, ‘Historical Building Report on Bridgwater Town Hall High Street Bridgwater’ (2008).

Noah’s Arke Inn
Bridgwater Monday July 14th 1806
Brandy & Water ——-1..6
Hullans & Water ——-0..6
Ale & Cider ——-1..6
Supper for 3 ——-4..6
Brandy & Water ——-3..0
Breakfast for 3 ——-4..6
Paid for a Letter ——-0..6
Dinners ——-7..6
Ale & Cider ——-1..6
1 Bottle of wine ——-5..0
Cider & Tobacco ——-0..6
Tea & coffee for 3 ——-4..6
Suppers for 4 ——-6..0
Ale & Cider ——-1..6
Brandy & water ——-6..6
Breakfast for 4 ——-6..0
1 Bottle of ink ——-0..8
Dinners for 3 ——-7..6
Ale & Cider ——-1..6
1 Bottle of Wine ——-5..0
Supper for 2 ——-3..0
Ale & cider ——-1..6
Brandy & Water ——-2..0
Thursday ——-3.12.2
Breakfast for 4 ——-6..0
Dinner for 4 ——-10..0
Ale & Cider ——-1..6
2 Bottles of Wine ——-10..0
Biskets for Supper ——-0..6
Brandy & Water ——-5..6
Breakfast for 4 ——-6..0
Schrimps ——-1..0
1 Horse 4 Nights & Corn ——-8..0
Beds ——-£1.5..0
Paye ——-12-0
Chamber maid ——-10:6
Waiter ——-12:0
Ostler ——-4:0
Boots ——-5:0
Cook ——-4:0
1: 15: 6
Transcription and Description by Michelle Craig