This piece of ephemera was found by Dr Cattermole under the south attic floor of 32 Friarn Street, Bridgwater, in April 2002. The ‘Liberty and Sincerity’ was the second lodge of Freemasons established in Bridgwater, number 369. They seemed to have formed on 19 February 1774 in the King’s Arms (West Quay). In 1778 they moved to the Market House on the Cornhill, then in 1788 they moved to the Crown Inn (there have been several ‘Crowns’ in Bridgwater, this may have been either the one in St Mary Street operating at that time or one on the Cornhill). In 1803 the lodge disbanded. The owner of 32 Friarn Street at this time was Richard Codrington until 1792, when it passed to his son Robert. However it was occupied by William Wollon. Both Robert and William were recorded as members of the lodge in 1784.

Printed: Bridgewater. Written: May 7th 1777[?]
Written: Day next at 7 o Clock
Written: JP C R [?] Printed MAS.
Written: [obscured] Printed: SEC.

Written: Brother Trevor