St Mary’s Church chancel. Publisher ‘The Wrench, Series no. 14289’. Unposted, undated, probably c.1905. Message: ‘Wishing you a Happy Birthday with love from Lorey’
St Mary’s Church altar. Publisher ‘Valentine’s Series 35089’. Unposted, undated. Message: ‘Subject of picture ‘the Descent from the Cross’. This postcard shows the elaborate detail and decoration at the end of the chancel. This was all simplified in 1937, when the two incription neiches, the tiling and other features were removed.
St Mary’s Church, mid nave looking towards the chancel. Publisher ‘Milton Glazette Seties no.2570’. Postmark Bridgwater 6 November 1907. Sent to Miss Leisman, 215/215 High Street, Exeter, Devon. Message: ‘Oh! The mud – it was lovely but I had jolly [] in spite of the weather, a.t.’
St Mary’s Church chancel roof. Publisher ‘Cambria Series by W.A.Call, County Studio, monmouth’. Unposted and Undated. This ceiling dates to the Victorian restoration of the 1850s, but the square bosses were salvaged from the older medieval ceiling. This ceiling was of particular interest to Dr Cattermole and you can read his research under the St Mary’s Research page on this website.
The Church of the Good Shepherd, Bridgwater. No publication details. Unposted and undated. This was a mission church and part of Greenfield House, Hamp Street, which was in use from 1953. Holy Trinity congregation met there while their new church was in construction from 1958 to 1961.
King Square, Bridgwater. Publisher ‘F H Light, the Cornhill Library, Bridgwater, no. 80590’. Unposted and undated, sometime between 1924 and 1939, probably the late 20s given the car in the background. Note the two small children on the grass.
The War Memorial in King Square being unveiled on 25 September 1924. No publication details. Postmark Bridgwater 28 September 1924. Sent to Mrs D Bastin, 52 Longbrook Street, Exeter, Devon. Message: ‘Dear Dollie, Just to let you know I have had a lovely time here though it has been wet. Whilst they were unveiling the memorial it poured with rain and I could not go to see P. Sorry I haven’t had time to write before, love from Ma. XXXX’. Note the people standing on platforms over the wall in the former timber yard (this is now occupied by the council offices). Also note the huge mass of the old glasscone in the distance.
Titles ‘Dumball wharf, River Parrett. Publisher ‘J. Slocombe & son, photographers, Bridgwater’. Unposted and undated. This picture appears in Rod Fitzhugh’s Bridgwater and the River Parrett (1993), page 52: the steamship is the Tender, which belonged to Sully and Co’s Brickyard (one of their railway wagons can be seen on the quay). It heeled over on the 16 July 1921 with a full cargo of coal from Lydney in Wales. The ship was righted six days later and returned to service, not being broken up until 1942.
The Bore on the River Parrett, just south of the Town Bridge, looking towards the former YMCA on the junction of Eastover. No publication details. Unposted and undated. Note all the people standing on the bridge.
St John Street, Bridgwater. Publisher ‘J Phillips, Bridgwater’. Unposted and undated. Probably 1910s or early 1920s. The Bristol and Exeter Inn is on the far right. A horse and cart can be seen in the distance.
Publisher ‘Wildt and Kray, London, no. 1840’. Postmark Bridgwater 11 July 1910. Sent to Miss Bussel, 15 Woodstock Road, Redland, Bristol. Message: ‘arrived home quite safe. I got down to Bridgwater station three quarters of an hour before the train was due. Tell L I will write to her later with love to both from L.