The Dunball Steam Pottery was in existence from at least the 1880s and was sold in 1886 to Colthurst Symons, the time at which this document was presumably made.
See ‘Puriton‘, in A History of the County of Somerset: Volume 8, the Poldens and the Levels, ed. Robert Dunning (London, 2004), pp. 146-160.
Endorsed: Dunball Inventory
Included in Sale
The Dunball Steam Pottery Tile Brick Company
List of working Machinery, Plant Tools and effects, included with the purchase of the works,
Schedule no. 2
No.1 Tile Shed
6 tables each filled with sets of tile moulds and dressing table and dressers complete
6 step ladders
3 Hand Press Bruch machines by (Clayton & Sons)
3 Brick barrows
1 Dun and Glaging tub 2’6″ + 2’0″ + 1’3″
6 Wheelbarrows
No.2 Tile Shed
1 Large press for 12″ squares with dressers complete
1 Dressing table with dressers complete
2 step ladders
1 Barrow
1 Table (rather old)
No.3 Boiler House
Boiler 26’0″ long 7’6″ diameter with Galloway tubes, 2 stoke holes, coal shovel, raker + tools complete.
No.4 Engine House
1 Double Horizontal Engine 22HP, 12″ cylinders, 26″ stroke (Bolton Swansea)
1 Portable Vertical Engine 14HP double cylinder
1 Box of fitting tools with spanners complete
No.5 Brick House
1 Murray’s double ended brick machine with 2 improved cutting tables
1 Pug Mill and Gearing for brick machine
1 Tile mill and pug for grinding clay for tile making
1 steam pump with gearing couple
4 Wheelbarrows
10 Brickbarrows
36 Brick boards
1 old cutting table
1 vertical steam geared pipe making making for pipes from 1 1/2″ to 12″ diameter
24 Cast Iron dies for pipe machine from 1 1/2″ to 12″
2 Wheelbarrows
2 Dressing tables
20 tile boards
1 Garden tile cutter on table complete
1 screw down balance press for squares
No.5 Brick House (continued)
1 Brickbarrow
1 Glazing mill with 2 tubs for mixing, with gearing and shafting complete
1 Grinding stone driven by stream in C.J. Trough
Moulds and dressers (sundry)
No.6 Smith’s Shop
1 Bench about 10 feet long
2 Iron screw vices
1 small anvil and sledges
1 Brick forge with trough
Set of drifts etc
1 pair of new bellows
No.7 Carpenter’s Shop
1 Bench 16 feet ong fitted with wood screw
2 Sawing stools
5 new wheelbarrows
1 new cutting table for brick machine
1 Cross cut saw
No.8 Pattern Shop and Lathe Room
No.9 Crease House
10 Crease Houses and dressers
2 Stepladders
No.10 Store Room
No.11 Pottery Room
100 Boards about 2ft square
No.12 Pipe Shed over Brick House
1 Steam hoist with 120 ft run of 1/2″ chain, brake etc, for hoisting clay waggons from clay pit to pug mils
1 Step ladder
1 Wheelbarrow
105ft run of 3 1/2″ shafting (fixes)
2 Skeleton barrows
1 1 1/4″ Double hoisting block
50 tile boards
1 Table
20 old rollers from brick machine
No.13 Pipe Shed on Ground Floor
10 Old Wheelbarrows
No.14 Kiln Shed
1 Table
90ft run 9″ + 3″ barrow plank
1 Tressel
1 Wheelbarrow
1 Table with dressing table moulds etc complete
1 Old brick mill
200ft run 9″ + 3″ plank (rough)
3 Tressels
5 Wheelbarrows
5 kilns with shovel, rake, poker etc
1 Iron bar 8ft long 1 1/2″ diameter
2 Tressels moulds for creases etc
No. 15 Drying Shed over Kilns
1 Tile table and dressing table compete with moulds
1 Step ladder
3 Barrows
1 Brick machine and table wood frame not used
1 old cutting table for pipes
1 pipe machine and table
1 old brick cutting table
1 step ladder
No.16 Stable(centre of yard)
No.17 Yard
1 Wheelbarrow
17 Iron Devils
1 Old Barrow
2 Old muck tips
215 yard run 1 1/2″ tubing in clay put for watering clay with 16 ch(ain?) Iramiray(?) in clay pits to pug mills
7 muck waggons
3 High tressel
10 Wheelbarrows
No.18 Office
1 Double desk with knee hole and 10 drawers each side
2 stools and chair
1 set pigeon holes
1 iron safe
15 Chains Narrow Gauge longitudinal part way on Great Western Railway Company land
13 chains Narrow Gauge cross sleeper ditto on Dunball Pottery Company Land
12 Crossings
4 ½ pair switches
2 Ground Disc
Signal Cabin with 10 levers 4 in use – 6 spare
No.1 Tile House
No.2 Flooring Tiles
Nos 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 all in one block under one roof
No.14 kiln shed with 4 kilns
1 kiln uncovered
1 Square uncovered
Dwellings partly built
The whole of the land coloured pink on plan 22 acres 1 rood 20 perches included in the purchase.
Scans of the Dunball Steam Pottery Inventory

MKP, December 2019