This list, charting all the known ways of spelling Bridgwater, is a work in progress, with additional entries to be added and earliest and latest dates to be changed as more evidence comes to light. The end of the published Bridgwater Borough Archives in 1485 limits the exploration in the early modern period, but more information will be added as we find it. Please get in contact if you have any to add. Also see the Street Names Project here.
The initial findings indicate that the common argument over the number of ‘e’s in the spelling of Bridgwater seems to be as old as the town itself: we even sometimes see a third ‘e’ added at the end! Although the first instance ‘Brugie’ has the middle ‘e’, we find ‘Brug’ without the ‘e’ by1234. The compound spelling with Walter, making the town’s name one word instead of two, seems to have used or not used the middle ‘e’ with little consistency over the middle ages. As such the notion that the dropping of the ‘e’ in Bridgewater was something of the nineteenth century is incorrect. What is correct though is the Victorians eventually favouring Bridgwater over Bridgewater, which had previously been interchangeable.
What this survey does indicate is the surprising long survival of the ‘l’ in Walter, and the equally surprising recent introduction of the ‘d’ in bridge, which seems to first occur as late as the sixteenth century. The first use of the modern settled spelling ‘Bridgwater’ seems to be in 1666, although older instances may yet be found. In the local West Country accent the name ‘Walter’ was usually pronounced Water (Walter Raleigh was mocked for this for example), so it is perhaps unsurprising that the ‘l’ was eventually forgotten.

Year First Used | Name | Source | Last Known Use | Source and Notes |
1086 | Brugie | Domesday, Somerset Folio 19 | Same Document | |
1178 | Brugis | Pipe Roll Society vol.28 p.71 | Same Document | |
1200 | Bruge Walter | Charter Manuscript Blake Museum. Original Charter Lost. Dilks' transcription is from the 1318 Town Charter | 1310 | BBA no.66 |
1234 | Brug | Liber feodorum. The book of fees, commonly called Testa de Nevill, reformed from the earliest MSS (1920) | Same Document | |
1245 | Bruges | BBA no.3 | 1367 | BBA no.238 |
1260 | Bruges Walter | BBA no.8 Two words later become one. | 1345 | BBA no.141 |
1267 | Bruggewater | BBA no.9 | 1476 | BBA no.942. *up to end of published BBA. May be in use later. One of the more common spellings, especially fourteenth century. |
1295 | Bruggewauter | BBA no.38 | 1385 | BBA no.405 |
1298 | Brugewater | BBA no.43 | 1485* | BBA no.1069. *up to end of published BBA. Probably in use later. |
1299 | Bruggeswalter | BBA no.47 | Same Document | |
1315 | Briggewauter | BBA no.73 | Same Document | |
1317 | Breggewater | BBA no.80 | 1474 | BBA no.930. |
1322 | Brugewauter | BBA no.93 | Same Document | |
1325 | Briggewater | BBA no.102 | 1484/5* | BBA no.1071. *up to end of published BBA. Probably in use later. The most common spelling in the fifteenth century. In 1355 spelt with the genitive 'i' suggesting it is still considered a posessive name (BBA no.176) |
1350 | Brugiswalter | BBA no.158 | Same Document | |
1342 | Brugwalter | BBA no.132 | Same Document | |
1352 | Briggwalter | BBA no.162 | Same Document | |
1352 | Briggewalter | BBA no.162 | 1479 | BBA no.965 |
1360 | Bryggewater | BBA no.190 Sometimes split into two words. | 1483* | BBA no.1053. *up to end of published BBA. Probably in use later. |
1361 | Bryghwauter | BBA no.194 | 1371 | BBA no.264 |
1362 | Bruggewalter | BBA no.198 | 1409 | BBA no.546 |
1362 | Bryggewalter | BBA no.200 | Same Document | |
1371 | Brugge | BBA no.266 | 1400 | BBA no.508 |
1372 | Brigge | BBA no.269 | 1442 | BBA no.712 |
1373 | Brugg | BAA no.283 | 1400 | BBA no. 966 *up to end of BBA, so there may be later usages of this spelling. |
1379 | Brugges | BAA no.333 | Same Document | |
1380 | Brugwater | BAA no.339 | 1475 | BBA no.940. *up to end of published BBA. May be in use later. |
1380 | Brigge | BBA no.352 | 1444 | BBA no.719 |
1380 | Bruggewatere | BBA no.342 | 1397 | BAA no.484 |
1400 | Brygwater | BBA no.505 | Same Document | |
1400 | Brigwater | BBA no.506 | 1479* | BBA no. 966 *up to end of BBA, so there may be later usages of this spelling. |
1402 | Briggewatere | BBA no.515 | Same Document | |
1403 | *Brudgwaterre | BBA no.524 - A forgery. Spelling probably late 16th or early 17th century | Same Document | |
1420 | Brugwatere | BBA no.599 | Same Document | |
1448 | Bryggwater | BBA no.1448 | Same Document | |
1452 | Briggewaltr | BBA no.766 | Same Document | |
1460 | Brigewater | BBA no.815 | Same Document | |
1446 | Brigwatere | BBA no.747 | Same Document | |
1447 | Briggwater | BBA no.750 | 1473 | BBA no.919 |
1475 | Bryggwatter | BAA no.939 | Same Document | |
1476 | Bregewater | BAA no.946 | Same Document | |
1476 | Bruggyeware | BAA no.946 | Same Document | Two spellings in the same document. |
1477 | Bruggwater | BBA no.950 | Same Document | *up to end of BBA, so there may be later usages of this spelling. |
1479 | Brigwaltere | BAA no.964 | Same Document | *up to end of BBA, so there may be later usages of this spelling. Otherwise this would be the last usages of the 'L' of Walter, along with BBA no.965 |
1555 | Bridgewater | Queen Mary's Charter. Possibly 1466 and BBA no.844, but that's possibly a transcription error. | Unofficially Still in Use | All Royal Charters use this spelling up to George III (1764). Used in Act of Parliament 1882. Still in use in the Latin motto on the Town Seal. |
1605 | Brydgewater | Crown Revenues from Somerset & Dorset SRS (2012) p.105 | Same Document | In Early Modern England 'I' and 'Y' were largely interchangable. |
1666 | Bridgwater | Town Farthing | Still in Use | In use in official capacity since then. Used in 1695, 1903 Acts of Parliament. Possibly used as early as 1638, as this spelling appears on the town's silver salt cellar presented to the town by Thomas Wrothe, former Recorder. However, it is unclear if the engraving is contremperary with the donation. |
MKP 24 April 2022