This document is the Otterhampton Rectoral Rent Charge. It is essentially a survey of the rectory lands within the parish of Otterhampton, lands which had been set aside in the middle ages for the support of the rector (also known as a parson) of the parish. You can read more about the history of the church and rectory here.
The watermark for the paper tells us that it was made in 1860 – all the pages are from the same batch. So we might assume a date close to that.
G. and R. Poole mentioned in the bottom right of the outside were solicitors of Bridgwater. G is probably Gabriel Stone Poole (1811-1876), while R is probably his brother Joseph Ruscombe Poole 1819-1890. So at the very latest this document was drawn up by 1876. Exactly who Ferrier was is unclear.

There is no cover to this document, this is just the back page of the document, which has browned with dirt over time.

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