Survey of the Manor of Bridgwater Castle made 24 September 1617
West Yorkshire Archives WYL100/DZ/39
Transcription by Miles Kerr-Peterson (2012)
Manoria de Bridgwater Castrum Haygrove
Suprie Stat Tenentium eiusdem Maner Capt ex perte Georgii Whitmore In dom de Maner vicesimo quarto die septebris Anno Regni dom maj Jacobi Regis nunc Anglie et decimo quarto et Scotie quinquagesimo primo per Matthew Rendell
Robert Demond claimeth by copie dated the eight daie of Auguste Ano 40 Elizabeth, by the graunte of Thomas Hopham gent deputie surveyor and Henry Farre deputie Steward parcell of a tenement upon the castle ditch cont one shop and a cellar under it, one hall and two lests on the hall and a garden thereunto adjoynynge contaynynge by estiate fifteen foote in lengh and fifteen foot in breadth, to halde to him the said Robert Raph his sone and John Demond for terme of their lives successivelie at the yearlie rente of iii s
Margin: 3 Lives. Yearelie Value xl s. Rent y ann iiis.
The same Robert Demond claimeth by an other copie of like grante as aforesaid dated the 24th daie of March Ano 39 Elizabeth, One tenement and Cautilage lynige upon castle ditch contaynynge one Roode with thipptenure, to halde to him the said Robert Raphe his sonne and Elizabeth Jefferyes for terme of their lives successivelie at the yearlie rente of ii s.
Margin: 3 Lives. Yearly Val xl s. Rent ii s.
Christopher Stone the elder claymeth by copie dated the 22 daie of Januarie Ano 37 Elizabeth by the graunte of Thomas Hopham gent deputie surveyor and John Dyer deputie steward, one tenement with thapptenure upon castle ditch to have to hold the said Christopher, Christopher his son his older sonne of that name and Joane daughter of the said Christopher at the yearlie rent of xiii d.
Margin: 3 Lives. Yearly Val xl s. Rent xiii d
Joyse Holwell the wife of John Holwell claimeth by copie dated the 24th daie of October Anno 42 Elizabeth by the graunte of the said Thomas Hopham deputie suveyer and Henry Farre deputie steward two tenements and a garden and one parcell of grounde called the Butte adjoynynge lyinge upom the water of Pirrrett to hould to the said Elizabeth and John Atherton the children of John Atherton sen dereased for terme of their lives successuielie at the yearly rente of vii s viiht for the 2 tenents vi s and for the said ytell of grounde cont one acre xii d
Margin: 3 Lives. Yearlie Val xl s. Rente vii s.
Marmaduke Mannsell claimeth by copie dated the 22 die Aprilis Ano 37 ER by the graunte of Arthure Bypton squire geanrell surveyor and John Dyer deputie steward two tenements and two gardens with thapptenure lynge upon castle ditch to hould to him Martha Mannsell the 2 daughter and Robert Mannsell for terme of their lives successuielie at the yearlie rente of viii s.
Margin:3 Lives. Yearlie Val xl s. Rent viii s.
George Hopham Elizabeth Steaens the newe wife of James Danford and William Steaens claime for terme of their lives successiuelie by copie dated the Thirtenth daie of March Ano 36 Elizabeth of the Graunte of the said Arthure Hopton and John Dyer One Ruinose Tenement and garden with thupteunce upon Castle Ditch at the yearlie rent of iii s with Tenent and garden John Reade haldeth during the lives of the foresaid Rites by vertue of a copie or licence contained in the foresaid copie, eis desirose to exchange the same to such there twos as he himself shall nominate.
Margin: 3 lives. Yearelie Val xxx s. Rente iiis.
Robert Chapman claymeth for terme of his life by copie dated the ninth daie of March Ano Undermio Elizabeth Two Tenement greatelie ruinated and two gardens adjoynge with thappteunre lying upon Castle Ditch of the graunte of Robert Penruddock Esquire High Steward and Christofer Symcocke deputie surveyor At the yearlie rente of xxiiii s viii d.
Margin: One lif. Yearlie Val ls. Rente xxiiii s viiid
John Lekey claymeth to himself Susan his wife and William Lekey for terme of their lives successuielie by Copie dated the 22th daie of Januarie Anno 37 Elizabeth by the graunte of the foresaid Thomas Hopham and John Dyer Two Tenements with thappteunce lyinge upon Castle Ditch at the yearly rente of ii s ii d.
Margin: 3 Lives. Yearly Val v l. Rente ii s ii d.
Sara Court widowe houldeth duruinge the Widowhood One Stable and Curtillage adjoynynge and seven acres of earable land lyinge neare the Butte and one acre of meadowe in Chilton with thappteunce sometimes in the tenure of Elizabeth Oder and Edward Corte and Thomas Court the sonnes claime the premisses for terme of their lives successiuelie by copie dated the Thirtenth daie of March Ano 36 Elizabeth at the yearlie rente of xx s and nere Peter Brooke euieyeth the premisses (except the 4 acres of land, acre of meadowe with Coble deopeth in his possession but by that right he refaseth to there) during the states aforesaid by force and virtue of a Copie of licence contained in the foresaid Copie.
Margin: 2 Lives and Widowes Estate. Yearlie Val iiil. Rente xx s.
John Puddie houldeth Two Tenemente by color as it seemeth of a Lease as he hath given forth but refuseth to shewe it the yearlie Rente whereof is vi s, and there was heretofore a Copie thereof made to John his sonne and William brother of the said John the father with they alsoe refused to theme
Margin:Yearlie Val viii l. Rent vi s.
One Tenement and garden late doodings nowe in the Lords Hand the rente Whereof is iii s.
Margin: Yearly Val l s. Rent iiis.
Bauldon Waterman hauldeth upon the lives of Christofer Stone the elder christofer of Christofer his two sonnes a third parte of a house and a little garden plot adjoynynge lyinge in the West Streete by Copie not shewed at the yearlie rente of xx d.
Margin: 3 Lives. Yearly Val vi s viiid. Rente xx d.
John Chubb claymeth by Copie not shewed forth for terme of his life onely a third parte of a tenement adjoynyng to the Church Yard at the yearlie rente of v s 4 d.
Margin: One lif. Yearly Val x s. Rent v s iiii d.
The said John Chubb hauldeth at Will without graunte a garden plot sometimes in the tenure of One Watkins of the yearlie value of x s.
Margin: Yearly value x s.
William Coble hauldewth a Barne with was M Watkins without graunte with narne and garden plot the said M Watkins hold at ye yearlie rente of iii s iiii d.
Margin: Rent iii s iiiid.
Amos Parsons and Judeth his sister claime for terme of their lives by Copie of carte roll One messuage or tenement with thappteunre lying upon the Castle Ditch and one garden and cartilage adjoynying contaynying by estimation half an acre and Seavon acres of arable land neare the Castle Field with thapptenure at the yearly rente of xvi s, and eyther of them leiuge Tenaunte in possession shall finde yearlie manes weate and horse, weate sufficient for the steior and Steward and their deputies.
Margin: 2 lives. Yearly Val x l. Rente xvi s.
George Saunders Garterie Saunders and Thomas Hodges claime for terme of their lives by copie not shewed Two Tenemente with Thapptenure at the yearlie rente of ii s ii d.
Margin: 3 Lives. Yearlie Value xxx. Rent ii s ii d.
Susan Hodges … Hodges Thomas Hodges claime for terme of their lives successuilie by Copie not Shewed One Tenement with Thapptenure lyinge upon Castle Ditch with Tenement and state aforesaid One … holcomle wid one hauldeth by bond at the yearlie rente of xiii s.
Margin: 3 lives. Yearly value xxx. Rente ii s iid.
Margarett Jones widowe claimeth during her widowhood as it is reported One Tenement upon Castle Ditch at the yearlie rent of xiii d and there are two other lived graunted by Copie their of as they say but were of thir claime in place to claime their estate.
Margin: One widowhood and 2 lives. Yearly Val xl s. Rente xiii d.
John Board and Katherne Jefferyes hould by copie not shewed for terme of their lives as the tenante report One Tenement and garden plot and three acres of arable land upon Castle Ditch at the yearlie rent of xii s iiii d.
Margin: 2 Lives. Yearly Val l s. Rente xii s iiii d.
William Spincer houldeth for terme of his life by Copie not shewed One tenement garden and Curtilage upon castle Ditch at the yearlie rent of v s ii d.
Margin: One lif. Yearly Value v l. Rente v s ii d.
George Grey claymeth to him self Susan and Lucrofia his daughters by Copie dated the 27 daie of October Ano Sexto Jacobi unc Augl, of the Graunte of William Baron deputie Steward One tenement and garden plot lyinge upon the Castle Ditch at the yearlie rente of iii s.
Margin: 3 lives. Yearly val xl s. Rente iii s.
A third parte of a tenement in St Maries Street late in the tenure of the widow Corolie at the yearlie rent of xvi d.
Margin: Yearlie Val x s. Rent xvi d.
Robert Fisher houldeth for terme of his life by copie not shewed one Tenement and Curtilage lyininge upon the Castle Ditch at the yearlie rent of iii s iiii d, the said Fisher dwelleth awaie from his Tenement and Suffereth it to fall in decay.
Margin: One Lif. Yearly Val xx s. Rente iii s iiii d.
Robert Fewild houldeth to himself and two of his children for terme of their lives as the Tenemte report One tenement with thapptenure lyinge upon the Castle Ditch at the yearlie rente of xiii s iiii d.
Margin: 3 lives. Yearly Val xxx s. Rent xiii s iiii d.
Henry Joanes hauldeth by Copie to himself and two other lives as it is reported Three acres of meadowe called Den Meade at the yearlie rent of x s.
Margin: 3 lives. Yearly Val xl s. Rent x s.
Margarett Tounesend claymeth her widowhood of and in one messuage or tenemtent with thapptenure in Haygrove , One orchard and garden adjoynying contaynying one acre, two acres of earrable land lying in Blackland, two acres of earrable land lying in Matthewes field, four acres by estimation of meadowe lying in Sewall parcell in the common meadowe of Haygroves Meade, one close of earrable pasture called five acres, one close of earrable pasture called Malt Crosse contaynying by estimation three acres, one close of earrable pasture called three acres, one close of earrable pasture called longe Downe contaynying by estimation three acres one other close of earrable pasture called Shorteland contaynying One acre, one close of earrable pasture called Hugers contaynying two acres, one parock of pasture called the half acre and one close called Fardinge cont two acres and a half, one close of pasture adjoynyng to the dwelling house called the same close contaynying by estimation One acre and half at the yearly rente of xxix s vi d, and the beste goode for a heriott upon the death of the tenant. And Tobias Touneford claymeth the prinsses for terme of his life by force of a copie of Courte Roll not shewed
Margin: a widowhood estate and one life. 32 acres one stich of land meadowe and pasture. The yearly value of xvi l. Rent xxx s vi d. One Heriott.
Agnes Pearce widowe claymeth during her widowhood one messuage one tenement in Haygrove with thapptenure One Orchard garden and backside contaynying, one acre thereunto adjoynyng three acres and half of meadowe lying in seval places in the common meade there two acres of earrable land in Matthews field, two acres and three yearde of earrable land in North field, One acre of earrable land in Blackland, one acre in earrable land at Parkes, one close of earrable pasture called Crosse land contaynyng two acres One close of pasture called the Heither gouldinge contaynyng two acres, One close of pasture called the Younder gouldinge contaynying two acres, one close of pasture called Furches contaynying two acres and half, One close of pasture called Longe Down contaynying two acres, One close called the Criste contaynying two acres and a half at the yearly rente of xv s i d, and the Tenante Beste good for a heriott. And John Pearce claymeth the premisses for the terme of his lif by the Copie of court roll dated the 29th of Julie Ano regnes Phillippi et Marie primo et torcio.
Margin: a widows estate and one life. 24 acres one stich of land meadowe and pasture. Yearlie value xii l. Rente yann xv s i d. One heriott.
Jeane Bouldie widowe claymeth during her widowhood there half of a messuage and of other the Buildinge thereunto belonging one little garden and one little Orchard adjoynyng contaynying the forerth parte of an acre, Two acres of earrable land in Blackland, Three acres of earrable land in the Northfield, Two acres of earrable land at the Parkes one acre and half of earrable land at the gore, One acre and half of earrable land at the furtches, three acres and half of meadowe lyinge in the common meads And one close of pasture called fardinge contaynying two acres and half at the yearlie rente of Twolie Shilliage and her beste good for a heriott.
Margin: a widows estate. 16 acres one stich of land meadowe and pasture. Yearly value 8 l. Rente xii s. One heriott.
John Bouldie claymeth by copie of court roll no shewed terme of his life orely thther half parte of the foresaid messuage and houses One orchard and garden adjoynying contaynying half an acre one close of earable pasture called the Criste contaynying Fower acres one yock of earable pasture called the Moore contaynyng one acre and one close of earable pasture called the brome close contaynyng two acres and a half, One close of earable called Ame acres contaynying three acres and one acre uclosed called the hawes at the yearly rente of vii s viii d.
Margin: One lif. 11 acres of land meadowe and pasture. Yearly val vi l. Rent vii s viii d.
Elizabeth Baker widowe claymeth during her widowhood One messuage or Tenement with backside Orchard and gardens adjoynying contaynying one acre and a half, One acre of earrable land in Blackland One acre of earrable land in Saltland and three yearde in Saltland field, three acres of earrable land at Boodlande Three acres and a half of earrable land in the North field, One acre of earrable land in Matthews field, one close of earrable pasture at Boodlande contaynying fouer acres, two acres and half of earrable land inclosed at Dounes fouer acres inclosed called the criste one close of earrable pasture called the gare contaynying three acres one close called hams contaynying one acre, half an acre and half a yard of meadowe in the common meads of Haygrove and one quilleff of meadowe contaynying Twentie foote in Wemdon meade at the yearlie rente of xxii s viiid and the Tenante beste 6 good for a heriott. And Marie Baker nowe Marie Hickes claymeth the pimsses by Copie not shewen for terme of her lif.
Margin: Widows estate and one life. 24 acres of a sarshels of land meadowe and pasture. Yearly val xii l. Rent xxii s viii d.
Joane Parsons widowe claymeth to hauld during her widowhood One messuage or Tennament with a garden and Sixtene acres by estimation of earrable pasture adjoynying and one acre and a half in the Castle Field, and five yearde of meadowe in the Comon meads at the yearly rente of xi s viii d and xx s to be paid after her decease in the name of heriott.
Margin: Widows estate. 18 acres and stich land meadow and pasture. Yearly value x l. Rent xi s viii d. Xx s for heriott.
Katherne Tounsend widowe claymeth to hould during her widowhood One acre and half of meadow in Saultland by the name of a quarter and half of a burgage neare the North gate in Bridgwater with Thapptenure at the yearlie rente of xviii d.
Margin: Widows estate. An acre di of meadowe. Yearlie value xl s. Rent xviii d.
John Allin hauldeth at the will of the Lord certain lande in Haygrove belongening to the tenement with the widowe Rogers keepeth the possession thereof contaynying about 39 acres of land meadowe and pasture.
Margin: Yearly value xvi l. 39 acres land meadowe and pasture.
Matthew Lurte claymeth to houlde by Copie not shewen to himself John his sonne and Marie his daughter for terme of their lives successaielie, One Messuage with an orchard and garden adjoynying contanynying one acre, One acre of meadowe in Kise more, half an acre of meadowe in twentie acres, Three acres and a half of earrable land in Matthews field, one acre and three yearde of earrable land in Northe field, One acre of earrable land in Blackland, one close of earrable pasture at Perkes, one close of earrable pasture at fer thinge, one close by the house contaynying one acre and half and one other close thereunto adjoynying contaynying three acres, and one other close thereunto alsoe adjoynying contaynying fouer acres, and one other close thereunto likewise adjoynying contaynying fouer acres at the yearlie rente of xxiiii s, and the Tenante best good for a heriott.
Margin: 3 lives. 24 Acres or thereaboute of lande meadowe and pasture. Yearly Val xii l. Rent ann xxiiii s. One heriott.
John Tounsend and Richard Tounsend his brother clayme terme of their lives successuielie by Copie not shewen One tenement with a backside Orchard and garden contaynying half an acre one acre of meadowe in Kisemore One acre and three yeardes of meadowe in twentie acres one acre of meadowe in little meade one acre and half of earrable land in Matthews field, One yeard and half of earrable land in Northfield and one acre of earrable land in Blacklande four acres of earrable land at saulteland half an acre of earrable land at Little Marsh, One close of earrable pasture called the Wester Criste contaynying fouer acres and one close thereunto adjoynying two acres, and one close called the easteham contaynying two acres and two closes in fardings contaynying in the whole five acres at the yearely rente of xxviii shilling (the beste good for a heriott). 7
Margin: 2 lives. 27 acres of land meadowe and pasture. Yearly Val xiiii l. Rent xxviii s. One heriott.
Free Haulders
The maior Aldermen and Burgases of Bridgwater hould certaine lande in feo late Ruperts Lande for with lande they ought to pay yearely for a Chife Rente to the lord of the maunor iii s iid and alsoe iiiid y ann for keyes and horse shewes.
Margin: iiis vi d for a Chis rent.
John Mayes of Charterhouse Esquire houldeth five acres of pasture lyinge in a close called tenn acres unpon the Westegate thereof lyinge parcell of the said maunor at the Rente of iiii s, but what estate he hath theron the tenaunte knowe not.
Margin: 5 acres of pasture. Yearlie Val iiii. Rent iiii s.
Mistress Sara Court widowe hauldeth as the Tenente reporte by a Chequer Lease a third parte of the Little Milles at the yearely rent of xx s ii d.
Margin: Yearlie Val iii l. Vi s viii d. Rent xx s ii d.
Fabian Witch hold by Leasse with is expired by report 3 acres of earrable inclosed at the rente of iii s.
Margin: 3 acr of earrable pasture value xxx s rent iiis.
William Coble the elder and William Coble the younger claymeth to houlde the Castle and the sight contaynying once acre and a grounde called the Queenes Wood contaynying eighteen acres with dwls trees thereon growing for the terme of their two lives by deede Wch They Refuse to Shewe at the yearly rente of xxxi s viid.
Margin: 2 lives. 19 acres of pasture. Yearly val x l. Rente xxxi s viii d.
Richard Gifford Knight haldeth by deede not shewed a third parte of a field called Castle Field contaynying in the Whole Cxx tie acres at the yearlie rente of xliiii s vd ob.
Margin: 40 acr of pasture yearly value xxx l. Rent xliiii s v d ob.
William Seelie houldeth by deede a Tenemente horsemill and one acre of land upon Castle Ditch at the yearlie rente of xix s iiiid.
Margin: Yearly val xl. Rente xix s iiii d.