The 1902 vestry replaced an 1854 structure, which was deemed beyond repair. It was designed by Arthur Basil Cottam, of Sampson and Cottam architects of Bridgwater, and built by Pollards. The conception and completion of the scheme was all done in 1902.
Taunton Courier and Western Advertiser 12 February 1902
A very largely-attended and thoroughly representative meeting was held on Thursday afternoon last for the purpose of inaugurating a scheme for the provision of a parish-room and the erection of a new vestry I connection with the mother parish of St Mary’s. The need of a parish room has been long felt, the present temporary building being unsuitable for the purpose, while the vestry at the church is totally inadequate and beyond the power of repair. His workshop the Mayor (Alderman T.W. Manchip), who is himself a non-conformist, presided, and gave the scheme his most hearty and cordial support. The Vicar (Rev. Dr. Powell) lucidly explained what was proposed to be done, staring that it was estimated the total cost would be abut £1,500. Mr P.O.H. Reed made a statement as to the amount already raised being £35 2s 9d, this including donations of £25 each from the Vicar and four churchwardens, Mr Reed, and the Rev. T.B. Waddell, and £10 from the Mayor. The Bishop of Bath and Wells next addressed the meeting, expressing his pleasure at being present, and speaking of the need and usefulness of a parish room and a proper vestry. He also expressed hearty sympathy in the movement and promised a donation of 10 guines. Mr P.O.H. Reed was appointed honorary treasurer of the fund, and a committee selected, the meeting closing in votes of thanks to the bishop for his presence and help, and to the mayor for presiding. At the conclusion of the meeting, further promises of subscriptions, amounting to between £50 and £60 were received.
Arthur Basil Cottam drew up plans for the new vestry the prior month, then submitted revised plans in February and March.

Wells Journal 26 June 1902
On Thursday afternoon the foundation stone of the new vestry which is to be erected at St Mary’s Church, at a cost of about £550, was laid by the Hon. Mrs Stanley, of Quantock Lodge. Prior to the ceremony a largely-attended service was held in the church. A sermon was preached by the Dean of Wells (Dr. Jex-Blake). A tea was held later in the Parish Room in George Street.

Western Daily Press 7 October 1902
The Lord Bishop of the Diocese ‘Dr. Kennion) yesterday attended the dedication of the handsome new and commodious vestry, which has been erected at a cost of £550 by the parishioners of St. Mary’s, Bridgwater, in place of an old and inconvenient structure. The entire structure provides a floor space of 330 square feet, and is splendidly fitted wan every requitement for clergy and choir. The dedication service was well attended, there being a strong muster of the clergy of the district. The vicar of St. Mary’s the Rev. Dr. A. H. Powell) conducted the service, and the Bishop preached an excellent sermon from be words, “For the edifying of the body of Christ.” The dedication service followed, and was conducted by the Bishop. The collection was an aid of the parish-room fund. Subsequently a public luncheon was held is the Tows Hall, when the Vicar of St. Mary’s presided over a large and distinguished company. After the meal the following toast-list wan submitted:—”The King.” proposed oy the Chairman; “The Church’s work in Bridgwater” proposed by Mr A. B. Cottam, and responded to by Dr. F. J. C. Parsons and the Vicar of Bridgwater; “The Bishop,” proposed by Mr A. Peace, and supported by Mr F. Bruce, and replied to by the Bishop of Bath and Wells; “The Workers for the Vestry and Parish Hall Building Fund,” submitted by Alderman H. W. Pollard, and acknowledged by the Mayor of Bridgwater.

MKP 14 July 2024