This postcard image shows the Clergy, Churchwardens and St Mary’s Choir in 1920.

To his right, holding a mortarboard, is the Organist, Frank Docksey, BMus, FRCO, who had worked in St Mary’s since 1910. He would resign through ill health in 1936 and died in Taunton in 1938, leaving a widow and two sons. At one time he was conductor of the Bridgwater Choral and Operatic Societies.
Left of Rev. Langham is the curate. Frederick G. Shepherd. He wrote a concise history of the Chapel of St George with details of all the names on the memorial of men lost in the First World War. He was also scoutmaster of the 5th Bridgwater Group.
The gentleman at the very back without the choir surplice is possibly the verger Harry Burge.
If you can help identify any of the other individuals pictured here, we would be very keen to hear from you.
MKP & Tony Woolrich.
Sincere thanks to Frances Pearce for identifying Langham and Shepherd, Colin Gay for suggesting Harry Burge, and Colin Jackson for confirming the year of the picture.
Also see Andy Slocombe’s website for pictures of the vicars of St Mary’s.