Dissenter Chapels

This is the main index research page for Bridgwater’s Dissenter Chapels, i.e. its non Church of England religious sites. More pages are to be added for other chapels, and numerous smaller chapels and denominations will need to be added to the list in the future.

For a nineteenth century overview of Non-Conformity in Bridgwater, see this chapter by Jarman (1889). Also see the Blake Museum’s Guide here – external – .pdf file.

Contributions and additional material for existing pages are always welcome. This list is arranged in seniority of building of these Dissenter Chapels, rather than congregation, although sometimes these overlap.

Christchurch Unitarian Chapel
Built 1688

Friends (Quaker) Meeting House

Friarn Street, built 1722

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King Street Wesleyan Chapel
Zion Chapel
(Independents/Congregationalists, later Salvation Army).
Built 1822, demolished 1971
The Baptist Chapel
Built 1837
Mariners Chapel
Built 1837, closed 1960
Fore Street Congregational Chapel.
Built 1864, demolished 1966.

Polden Street Bible Christian Chapel

Opened 1876

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The United Methodist Chapel
Built 1911

Westfield United Reform Church

Opened 1964

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Roman Catholic

St Joseph’s (St. Joseph of Arimathea) Roman Catholic Chapel.
Built 1846, demolished 1997.
St Joseph’s on the Quay (St. Joseph of Arimathea) Roman Catholic Chapel.
Built 1882.