Notes from the 24 December 1832 Christmas Eve Edition of the Bridgwater Alfred
This is the penultimate edition of the Alfred that we have to publish. It continued for another year after our copies.
Report on the 15th Annual General Meeting of the Quantock Savings Bank. Langley St Albyn in the chair. The bank has made a slight profit on the year, after all the income and outgoings for the year.
Various adverts for insurance companies, which mention their various agents within the town: Mrs Mary Burnell, draper, Bridgwater Agent for the Protector Fire Insurance Company. George Awbrey Bridgwater agent for the Sun Fire Office. William Baker Bridgwater agent for the West of England Fire and Life Insurance company.
Notice of the upcoming Annual General Meeting of the Bridgwater Infirmary. Clifford Gill the secretary. Due to take place on the 3 January 1833.
Notice that the magistrates of Bridgwater are taking evidence on the recent riot in Friarn Street, where John Bowen was injured. He is reported to have nearly recovered.

Otherwise the local news section of the paper is taken up with political editorials following the election of the previous week.
Death notice 17 December 1832 Mrs Warren of Road / Rhode near Bridgwater.