Notes from the 3 December 1832 edition of the Bridgwater Alfred:
There is very little in this edition of local interest, yet along relating to the town of Bridgwater, at least not already in the previous editions (such as the adverts for Henry Clark’s London Warehouse on the Cornhill and his winter wares, or George Aubrey’s for Almanacs) or not entirely focused on the political questions and meetings.
There is a notice advert for a Mr Tucker selling timber elm trees at Ilminster.
Mr Astell resigns as Member of Parliament for Bridgwater after serving for twenty years. He has been mentioned several times in the previous year’s Alfred.
Brief mention of the church at Kingston Purbeck in Dorset being rebuilt, and a new Gothic tower erected on the site of the old church.

An article on Devonshire Cattle is includes, along with an extensive section on births, marriages and deaths, although no Bridgwater individuals are mentioned.