This Transport index page leads you to stories of Ships and Shipping related to the port of Bridgwater. We hope to expand these sections in the time to come, as always if you have any contributions, corrections or additions, we will be keen to hear from you.
Bridgwater Ships Here you will find links to pages about individual ships, grouped into their shipyards, be that Bridgwater or elsewhere.
The Docks This research page looks at the hisotry and features of Bridgwater’s Floating Harbour, which was completed in 1840.
Danger on the River Parrett 1840-1860 kindly supplied by Jillian Trethewey, Hilary Southall and Clare Spicer. This article looks at some case studies of fatalities on the river, and what these tell us about the use of the River Parrett in this period.
Robert Blake looses a ship to Maclean of Duart 1580 A shocking incident where a ship owned by the grandfather of the General at Sea is seized by MacLean of Duart in the Western Isles and its crew sorely treated.
Also see our Roads and Railways section of the website, to explore the other forms of transport used in the old town.
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