Above, a cast-iron lamp lamp post, which once stood on the Cornhill. This picture dates to about 1910. Detail from a postcard published by the Milton Series of Woodstone Brothers, printed in Italy.
This page looks at the history of Bridgwater’s utilities as supplied by the Corporation. Below are links to research pages on the town’s water supply and the gas works, which were located in Old Taunton Road and expanded during their long existence. More work needs to be done on the introduction and early history of electricity in the town, as well as the telephone, notably with the 1936 telephone exchange in George Street and its brutalist extension that continues towards Dampiet Street. Initial research has been outlined in the below pages. Likewise, more work on the history of flood prevention in and around the town would help us appreciate the difficulties of building a town on the edge of a marsh. The various pumping stations on the levels would be a good case study in the development of this for example. If you are able to help add to these stories we will be glad to hear from you.
Also see the public services section, which includes utilities, of the Victoria County History pages on Bridgwater by Robert Dunning.